
Anne Ford Profile

Anne Ford
Anne Ford
(Anne Jacqueline Ford)
31 May 30 is born in Tulsa, Oklahoma
? is crowned Miss California Beaches
is crowned Queen of the Fiesta
is signed by Howard Hughes to RKO Pictures
16 May 53 as reported in the Los Angeles Mirror, "a pretty fashion designer is free on $1,500 bail following her surrender to police after she hit a woman pedestrian with her foreign sports car... Ann Ford called police an hour after the accident yesterday."
February 54 is featured in Otto Volante
October 54 is crowned Miss Redondo Beach
May 55 is featured in Glamour
says "I met Marlon Brando in November 1953, just a few days after he started making On the Waterfront (1954)... since Marlon and I lived only two blocks apart, he asked me to meet him at his apartment. He's a complex, puzzling man. I'm glad to have known him."
25 November 61 marries Brent Saville
? her daughter, Laurel is born
September 69 founds Anne Ford Designs
June 81 is arrested for not appearing in court and serves nine days in jail
81 enlists James Johnson to build a $250,000 house on her property, but he later leaves the project because her expectations are too high
September 83 her house is severely damaged in a fire, but she continues to live in it without electricity
3 November 83 is murdered at her bungalow in Los Angeles, California
9 November 83 Gregg Zoroya reports that "Miss Ford made headlines in Ventura when she came to the city and began camping on the hillside property on which she planned to build her home..."
The Boston Globe, The Decatur Daily, Los Angeles Times, Ventura County Star, Los Angeles Mirror, Laurel Saville, Jason Saville
Recommended Books:
Unraveling Anne by Laurel Saville
Glamour: Models, Mannequins, and Pinups of the 1950s by Samuel Claesson