
Lori Hilton Profile

Lori Hilton
Lori Hilton
Photo of Lori Hilton
(Lorraine Melba Hinton)
2 April 28 is born in Oakland, California to Robert and Marie Hinton
? studies at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music
April 50 is a semifinalist in Miss San Francisco of 1950
13 May 50 is crowned queen of the festivities for Hoberg Fiesta Days
April 52 is a semifinalist in Miss San Francisco of 1952
17 October 52 marries Kenneth C. Blewer

13 February 53 sings at the York Club with the Sammy Blank Quartet
31 January 56 she and Barbara Eden host the annual Trailer Show in Los Angeles
February 56 is one of four women chose by the International Hair Dressers Society for having ideal shades of color in their hair. The others are Autumn Russell, Gloria Moreland, and Brandy Bryan.
July 56 is a twosome at the Shalimar with Herb Lampert
27 July 56 sings with The Frantics at Larry Potter's Supper Club
March 57 is featured in VUE
October 57 is featured in Male Point of View
March 58 is featured in PIC
April 58 is featured in TAB
February 59 is featured in SPAN
August 59 is featured in Joy
? marries Harrison Hertzberg
November 60 sings at the Moulin Rouge
12 August 61 her son Jeffrey is born
25 February 66 sings with the Mariano Moreno Trio at the Trophy Room
70s is a hairstylist for her good friend, Barbara Eden
? is in poor health and on disability
29 October 00 dies in Washington
5 April 11 Barbara Eden writes in her memoirs that "One morning, Lorraine Hinton, a beautiful blonde singing student who always wore extremely high heels became ill and had to leave class early. Before she did, she begged me to cover for her in a gig that night."
Los Angeles Evening Citizen News, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Examiner, Jeannie Out of the Bottle by Barbara Eden, Jeffrey Hart
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