
Dede Moore Profile

Dede Moore
Dede Moore
Photo of Dede Moore
(Martha Diane Moore)
26 May 34 is born
January 52 is featured in Eye
20 April 52 is featured in the Sunday Pictorial
55 studies at The Salon of Fashion and Beauty Charm School under the direction of Holly Goodson
June 55 graduates from Occidental College
22 July 55 attends the Shakespeare Festival at the Old Globe Theater in San Diego, California where she appears in Hamlet, Measure for Measure, and The Taming of the Shrew
15 October 55 marries George Seabold
57 is featured in Bonnes Soirees
17 June 57 her daughter, Victoria, is born
May 60 is featured in The Lufkin Line
15 December 63 her son is born
9 March 64 founds the Van Nuys Book Store
25 September 70 marries Mario Ambroselli
? experiences sickness after returning from a camping trip
16 April 73 dies of liver cancer
California Eagle, Oakland Tribune, Valley News, Christina Ambroselli
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