
Deanna Lund Profile

Deanna Lund
Deanna Lund
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(Deanna P. Lund)
30 May 37 is born in Oak Park / Riverside / Chicago, Illinois, to attorney Arnold Lund and his wife Phyllis
? when she’s eight, her parents relocate their three daughters to Daytona Beach, Florida, where her father participates in the boom of developing Florida land
? spends her childhood with her horse, competing at rodeos
is spotted by a talent scout while on stage and is offered a contract from Columbia
? marries a rider from the rodeo. They will be married four years and have two children, Randy and Kim.
gets divorced and moves with her two children to Miami
supports her family by modeling and as a weather girl, at $10 a show
67 wants a part in the Florida-filmed Tony Rome. The role finally goes to Sue Lyon.
68 accepts her part in the TV series “Land of the Giants” for financial reasons
her oldest sister, Mrs. Sandra McCloskey, is the mother of three children, and her other sister, Mrs. Barbara Miller, has two youngsters
becomes romantically involved with co-star Don Matheson. They announce their engagement at the end of the second season.
16 April 70 marries Donald E. Matheson in Monterey after “Land of the Giants” is cancelled. He's 40; she's 32.
14 August 71 her daughter, Michele L., is born in Los Angeles. She will become actress Michele Matheson.
70s divorces Matheson. He will die at age 84 on June 29, 2014, in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, from lung cancer.
00 conducts acting workshops in Los Angeles
22 June 18 dies at age 81 at her home in Century City, California, of pancreatic cancer
Drive-In Dream Girls by Tom Lisanti
Recommended Books:
Drive-In Dream Girls by Tom Lisanti
Glamour Girls of Sixties Hollywood by Tom Lisanti
The Deanna Lund Website
