
Dusty Anderson Profile

Dusty Anderson
Dusty Anderson
Photo of Dusty Anderson
Photo gallery
(Ruth Laura Anderson)
17 December 16 is born in Toledo, Ohio, the daughter of Oscar Emanuel Anderson and Grave Halbert Neilson
? is baptized in Washington, DC, her mother's hometown
20 lives with her parents
? attends a photography school in Toledo and pinches pennies for months in order to buy two very expensive cameras. During a canoe trip along the shores of Lake Erie, a sudden squall overturns the canoe, and the cameras sink to the bottom of the lake. She starts modeling for other photographers in order to earn the money to replace her equipment and does so well that the makeshift job becomes a career.
? is a New York cover girl
? Harry S. Conover renames her Dusty
18 July 41 marries Charles Louis Arthur Mathieu, Jr., a New York newspaper man, in New York City
27 October 44 is on the cover of Yank, The Army Weekly
December 44 her husband, Captain Charles Mathieu of the Marine Corps, is reported recovering from malaria at Oceanside Hospital, California
4 February 45 announces in Hollywood that she’ll file for divorce from Mathieu
Mid-February 45 due to her announcement to divorce Mathieu, columnist Jimmy Fidler wonders about the morality rate of Hollywood's wartime marriages. "Approximately 50 per cent of the Filmville lassies who have been wed men in uniform have either obtained divorces or have announced intention to do so."
14 June 45 divorces Mathieu in Los Angeles
June 45 columnist Dorothy Kilgallen reports that "just divorced Dusty Anderson and Hollywood director Jean Negulesco (who used to belong to Veronica Lake) are a warm summer item..."
August 45 Negulesco is reported trying to borrow her, his fiancée, from Columbia to play a role in his next picture
September 45 columnist Louella Parsons knows that Negulesco would like to marry Dusty immediately, but her divorce from Mathieu won't be final until June. "Dusty has written the captain in China, sent papers, and asked him to sign a release so she can go to Las Vegas and get her freedom. But so far he hasn't answered. Dusty believes maybe he hasn't received them, but she is hoping that he will make it possible to her to get a Nevada divorce without delay."
14 December 45 is on the cover of Yank, The Army Weekly
c. 46 is a close friend of humorist Robert Benchley and comedian Charles Butterworth
20 July 47 in Hollywood, she and Negulesco announce that they’ll marry July 21 at the home of producer Howard Hawks, who will be best man. Pianist Jose Iturbi will give the bride away.
21 July 47 marries Romanian-born Negulesco in West Los Angeles. He's 43; she's 28. The ceremony is performed by a justice of the peace. Actress Angela Greene catches the bridal bouquet.
December 47 it is reported that she lost her baby and is still very ill
June 48 she and Negulesco will repeat their vows in a formal church ceremony this summer in England
October 50 presents 15 of her latest paintings at a big show at the leading Drouant-David gallery in Paris, France. "Her pictures include scenes of London's River Thames, conventional flowers and fruit, an intriguing study of her two Siamese cats - 'Jackson' and 'Pavlovaz' and an unusual portrait of herself framed by a window of her Beverly Hills, California, home."
October 51 columnist Walter Winchell knows that she got "her pretty face burned while cooking..."
May 53 columnist Harrison Carroll reports: "Director Jean Negulesco, reported separated from Dusty Anderson, assures me he plans to pick her up in Paris and take her to Rome where he will film Three Coins in the Fountain. 'I don't pretend she went to Paris with my blessing,' he concedes. 'I thought it was a stupid expense. But Dusty wanted to study painting, and when one of those Cherokee Indian girls makes up her mind, nothing is going to stop her.'"
Early May 53 she and Negulesco deny the divorce buzz
Mid-May 53 columnist Dorothy Kilgallen thinks the Jean Negulescos "are writing the Unhappy Ending after all these years..."
Late May 53 is reported studying painting in Paris with Dee Hartford, wife of Howard Hawks
June 53 Negulesco is expected to stop off in Paris in June en route to Rome to pilot Three Coins in the Fountain. "Purpose: To talk his wife, Dusty Anderson, into reconciliation."
August 53 she and Negulesco invite 9-year-old war orphan Adelina Peluso from Naples to Rome for a visit. They have supported the girl for three years under the Foster Parents for War Children plan. Dusty buys Adelina a whole new wardrobe; Negulesco introduces her to actresses Dorothy McGuire and Jean Peters, who are in the scene he's directing from We Believe in Love.
August 55 Negulesco is reported directing The Rains of Ranchipur happily, "for he knows that his wife is safe at home, pursuing her painting career. Dusty Negulesco has made much progress as a painter and her pictures have received good notices from the art critics."
56 reports from the filming of Boy on a Dolphin in Greece that Sophia Loren is the only member of the company arriving on the set each morning knowing her dialogue
January 57 she and Art Buchwald are reported making an album of Paris after dark with her doing music and he commentating
May 57 the Negulescos give a party for hosts who gave them so many farewell parties before they took off last year for Greece to film Boy on a Dolphin
works hard with Vernon Duke and Art Buchwald on a script for TV, stage, or pictures called P.S. from Paris, a series of letters from a teenage French boy and his reaction to sophistication. They'll also make an album of it.
December 57 is gifted with a black mink coat by Negulesco before they take off for Paris and Rome, where the Rosanno Brazzis will give them a big party. Afterwards they'll tour France to seek locations for That Certain Smile, then return home to start the picture.
59 she and Negulesco adopt two girls, Gabrielle, born May 8, 1958, and Christiane, born June 23, 1959 in Stuttgart, Germany
January 61 attends the Archie Preissmans' party wearing a short black dress before taking off with Negulesco for his European location
Late 60s her husband retires from filmmaking and moves to Marbella, Spain. There he collects art and deals in real estate.
November 75 the Negulescos attend the Bulgari jewels show at the Bel Air Hotel. Among the guests are the Stuart Kramers, the Robert Stacks, Cyd Charisse, and Shirley Lord.
January 76 the Negulescos are among the guests of the big affair hosted by Cyd Charisse and Tony Martin honoring London's John Mills and the William Levitts at the Bistro
May 76 the Negulescos give a private party at their Hollywood home to display her paintings before the works are placed on the market. Among the guests are Hope Lange, Sammy and Tita Cahn, John Greene and his wife Bonnie.
September 76 she and her husband are among the guests at composer-conductor John Green and his wife Bonnie's Labor Day brunch. Doris Day, June Allyson, Georgiana and Ricardo Montalban, Marje Everett, and Marge Champion attend, too.
February 82 the Negulescos attend Richard Gully's party thrown for Dana Wynter at the Bistro in Beverly Hills. Among the guests are Connie Towers and John Gavin, Jill St.John, Douglas Campbell and Ivan Goff.
18 July 93 Negulesco dies at age 93 in Marbella, Spain, of heart failure. Names of survivors are not immediately available.
22 July 93 Negulesco is interred at San Bernabe Cemetery in Marbella
98 as Ruth Dusty Anderson Negulesco, she donates the Jean and Dusty Negulesco papers, spanning the years 1900 to 1992, to the Margaret Herrick Library
12 September 07 dies at age 90 in Marbella, Spain
Cathy Ellis, The New York Times, Nevada State Journal, Oakland Tribune, The Herald-Press, The Lowell Sun, Syracuse Herald-Journal, Middletown Times Herald, Chronicle-Telegram, The Lethbridge Herald, The Monessen Daily Independent, Dixon Evening Telegraph, The Newark Advocate and American Tribune, Statesville Daily Records, News-Tribune, The Post-Standard, The Odessa American, Mansfield News-Journal, The Fox that Got Away by Stephen M. Silberman, Hollywood Babylon II by Kenneth Anger,
Recommended Books:
Dusty Anderson - The Life of a Starlet
