
Nancy Westbrook Profile

Nancy Westbrook
Nancy Westbrook
Photo of Nancy Westbrook
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(Nanon Mathicakis)
24 October 32 is born in Gary, Indiana at St. Mary's Mercy Hospital to Georgia Mathicakis and Lonnie Glover
? is adopted by her stepfather Grover Westbrook
23 July 36 is severely injured as a result of an automobile crash
? graduates from Froebel High School
? declines a scholarship to New York University so she could pursue acting
? marries
53 is signed by RKO Pictures, where she will appear in Son of Sinbad (1955)
13 August 53 is featured in Jet, where it's written that "Hollywood observers claim that some actresses are more suited for three-dimensional movies than others, which may mean a big break soon for curvaceous Nancy Westbrook of Los Angeles"
March 54 is profiled by The Hollywood Reporter in an article titled Nancy Westbrook Picked
1 April 54 is featured in Jet
15 April 54 is featured in Jet
? is asked by Salvador Dali to pose for a portrait
May 56 is featured in Gala
8 May 57 according to columnist Jane Allison, she has reportedly appeared in 14 movies
21 May 57 columnist Danton Walker reports that "Nancy Westbrook, one of the Ziegfeld Follies beauties, being screen-tested by Universal-International."
2 July 57 columnist Walter Winchell reports that "industrialist Fred Grey, who sends nightly orchids to showgirl Nancy Westbrook, broke the monotony by dispatching a pink mink stole"
June 58 is crowned June Swimsuit Queen
5 December 60 columnist Earl Wilson reports that "beautiful Nancy Westbrook, McClelland model, owns the figure in those Butterfield 8 ads, transposed onto Liz Taylor's face."
May 62 as Creta Margos, she stars in Strangers in the City (1962)
22 July 95 as Nancy Sheryle Westbrook, dies in New York City, New York
Daily Record, San Francisco Examiner, The Miami Herald, Daily News, The Indianapolis Star, The Times (Munster, Indiana),, Joyce Crenshaw, Glamour: Models, Mannequins, and Pinups of the 1950s by Samuel Claesson
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