Lori Hilton Profile
(Lorraine Melba Hinton) |
2 April 28 | is born in Oakland, California to Robert and Marie Hinton |
? | studies at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music |
April 50 | is a semifinalist in Miss San Francisco of 1950 |
13 May 50 | is crowned queen of the festivities for Hoberg Fiesta Days |
April 52 | is a semifinalist in Miss San Francisco of 1952 |
17 October 52 | marries Kenneth C. Blewer |
13 February 53 | sings at the York Club with the Sammy Blank Quartet |
31 January 56 | she and Barbara Eden host the annual Trailer Show in Los Angeles |
February 56 | is one of four women chose by the International Hair Dressers Society for having ideal shades of color in their hair. The others are Autumn Russell, Gloria Moreland, and Brandy Bryan. |
July 56 | is a twosome at the Shalimar with Herb Lampert |
27 July 56 | sings with The Frantics at Larry Potter's Supper Club |
March 57 | is featured in VUE |
October 57 | is featured in Male Point of View |
March 58 | is featured in PIC |
April 58 | is featured in TAB |
February 59 | is featured in SPAN |
August 59 | is featured in Joy |
? | marries Harrison Hertzberg |
November 60 | sings at the Moulin Rouge |
12 August 61 | her son Jeffrey is born |
25 February 66 | sings with the Mariano Moreno Trio at the Trophy Room |
70s | is a hairstylist for her good friend, Barbara Eden |
? | is in poor health and on disability |
29 October 00 | dies in Washington |
5 April 11 | Barbara Eden writes in her memoirs that "One morning, Lorraine Hinton, a beautiful blonde singing student who always wore extremely high heels became ill and had to leave class early. Before she did, she begged me to cover for her in a gig that night." |
Sources: Los Angeles Evening Citizen News, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Examiner, Jeannie Out of the Bottle by Barbara Eden, Jeffrey Hart | |
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