
Audrey Conti Profile

Audrey Conti
Audrey Conti
Photo of Audrey Conti
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(Audrey May Conti)
31 January 33 is born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
? is a tour guide at Pabst Brewery
1 May 54 Bob Foster reports that "a very attractive young lady, Audrey Conti, who just reached her twenty-first birthday was one of the many people who have appeared on What's My Line? to tease the expert panel of guessers... Miss Conti, a devoted fan of What's My Line? sat down and wrote a letter to the program telling them of her job and sent along her picture."
has two movie offers following her appearance on What's My Line?
12 June 54 is featured in TV Press
13 August 55 Walter Winchell reports that "Audrey Conti, who delighted What's My Line? viewers, got her first role in Hollywood as one of the debeauts in The Gobel Story at Paramount."
15 September 55 tests for the role of Princess Aouda in Around the World in 80 Days (1956)
17 March 56 is featured in TV Guide
29 March 56 Harrison Carroll reports that Audrey is a twosome with Steve Cochran
? marries Gary Clarence Steenblock
3 June 21 dies in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
10 June 21 is interred at Saint Adalberts Cemetery
The Times, Miles City Star, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, The Library of Congress
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