
Zanne Shaw Profile

Zanne Shaw
Zanne Shaw
(Suzanne Shaw)
2 March 30 is born in Los Angeles, California to Vera B. Shaw
? her father dies
? graduates from North Hollywood High School
53 is cast in Son of Sinbad (1955) where she will recall disliking the revealing outfit she wore
12 September 55 is in Vienna, Austria, volunteering at the American Embassy
? graduates from the University of Southern California
? marries actor and stand-in Edward "Ted" Newell Winship Jr.
April 59 her son Edward N is born
September 61 her daughter Suzanne is born
19 September 23 in an interview with Samuel Claesson, she says "I did thousands of commercials and television series. My husband and I are still part of the Screen Actors Guild."
Los Angeles Times, Zanne Winship,
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