
Irene Bolton Profile

Irene Bolton
Irene Bolton
Photo of Irene Bolton
(Irene Kneitel)
18 January 32 is born in Austria to Joseph Kneitel
? is a ballerina
48 marries Floyd Bolton in Germany
? flees the Nazis with her parents and moves to New York/Massachusetts
25 November 49 her son Victor is born
8 June 50 separates from her husband
51 is crowned the Wishbone Queen
23 December 51 Herb Rau reports that "Irene once won a prize for a daring impersonation of Lady Godiva."
27 October 52 Dorothy Kilgallen writes that "Keenan Wynn is in a dither over Irene Bolton, a former Latin Quarter showgirl."
February 53 is a twosome with Jay Adler
2 March 53 does publicity for Mickey Rooney's All Ashore alongside Rosemarie Bowe, Betty Carr, and Rita Owen
1 April 53 Sheila Graham reports that "a girl in white pants looking like a surrey with a fringe on the bottom, and a black bra top. She said she was Irene Bolton of Columbia Studios."
? is a secretary at Columbia Pictures
? uses the stage name Irene Barbour
2 October 53 stars in the stage production of French Postcard Revue at the Marcal Theater
1 February 54 Walter Winchell reports that "George Raft and Irene Bolton think spring's here already."
9 June 54 Earl Wilson writes "Starlet Irene Bolton smoked a Churchill-sized cigar at the Copa watching Jimmy Durante..."
2 December 54 overdoses on sleeping pills at Hotel Capitol in New York City. She is rushed to the hospital and survives.
30 April 55 Hy Gardner reports that "There are so many dromedaries in Darryl Zanuck's Oasis movie-tevee actress Irene Bolton thinks 20th Century Fox should be changed to read 20th Century Camel..."
19 May 55 Hy Gardner reports that "Irene Bolton, who's making the rounds of the radio-tevee circuit to publicize the Capitol's next attraction The Prodigal has to sport green fingernails, toenails, and eye-shadow to simulate Lana Turner's characterization in the movie. She almost snubbed the assignment when somebody suggested she also wear green lipstick."
14 December 55 is a twosome with Lenny Kent
? marries Marco Reyes
? her son, Ondine is born
? her daughter is born
10 April 09 dies
Daily News, Valley Times, Los Angeles Evening Citizen News, Los Angeles Times, The Times Leader, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Victor Bolton
Recommended Books:
Filmography (Irene Bolton)
Filmography (Irene Barbour)