
Elizabeth Smith Profile

Elizabeth Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Photo of Elizabeth Smith
(Elizabeth Jane Smith)
15 February 32 is born in Los Angeles, California to Merrill Jefferson and Byrd Smith
? enrolls at UCLA where she is part of the Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority
8 August 51 is crowned Miss Letter Carrier of 1951 to preside at the annual letter carriers’ picnic in Arroyo Seco Park
53 is signed by RKO Pictures where she will appear in Son of Sinbad (1955)
September 53 marries Richard Lee Beirdneau
30 April 55 models at The French Line Fashion Show
? her son, John Richard is born
? her daughter, Kathleen is born
3 September 60 becomes the widow of Beirdneau, who dies in a gardening accident at the age of 30
? marries Edward Taylor
? marries Tom Wright
October 22 dies after suffering from Alzheimer's Disease
Los Angeles Times, Bobbie Susan Beirdneau Werly, John Taylor, Jane Taylor
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