
Madge Meredith Profile

Madge Meredith
Madge Meredith
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(Marjorie May Massow)
15 July 21 is born in Iowa Falls, Iowa to Frank Massow and Laura May Miller
April 35 wins a local writing contest in the intermediate division for her review of One Hundred Million Guinea Pigs: Dangers in Everyday Foods, Drugs, & Cosmetics by Arthur Kallet and F. J. Schlink
36 plays Junior Varsity tennis
June 40 studies drama at the Rice School of the Theater
7 October 40 is a witness in court testifying that she found Mrs. Clara L. Smith's corpse
? is a player at the Theodora Irving Repertory Theater in New York
43 is a cashier at a Twentieth Century-Fox cafe, replacing a cashier who had the flu. She will be discovered by Ivan Kahn, who agrees to test her.
17 October 43 columnist Hugh Dixon reports that "Twentieth Century-Fox is testing its cafe casher, Marjorie Massow, for an acting contract"
? is signed by Twentieth Century-Fox by Otto Preminger
30 June 47 her ex-manager, Nicholas Gianoclis is severely beaten
October 47 is arrested on charges of assisting in the kidnapping of her ex-manager Nicholas Gianoclis. She is released on $5,000 bail.
11 December 47 is found guilty by a jury of 11 women and one man
23 December 47 is denied a new trial
22 January 48 is sentenced to five years to life in prison for her part in kidnapping and beating her ex-manager
51 is released from prison after her case is reevaluated
July 51 is featured in Inside Detective
29 September 53 marries Dr. Charles L. Corle
July 54 is featured in Redbook
? marries Michael Masao Hatayama
16 September 17 dies in Volcano, Hawaii
The Des Moines Register, The Courier, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Daily News, The Times-Tribune , Santa Rosa Republican
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