
Madelyn Darrow Profile

Madelyn Darrow
Madelyn Darrow
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(Madelyn Constance Wittlinger)
21 February 35 is born in Newport Beach, California to George H. Wittlinger and Alice Alexandria Simpson. Her sister, Barbara Darrow, will become an actress.
51 is in the Drama Club at Hollywood High School
July 55 is one of six Goldwyn Girls” picked by Sam Goldwyn, Sr., average age 21. They leave for New York, where they will fan out for personal appearance tours to plug Guys and Dolls. The blondes are Pat Sheehan, June Kirby, and Larri Thomas. The brunettes are Barbara Brent, Madelyn Darrow, and Jann Darlyn.
May 56 is featured in Pageant
June 56 she and fellow Goldwyn Girls Suzanne Alexander, Madelyn Darrow, and Jann Darlyn are reported returning to Hollywood after visiting Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, and Australia
is featured in Cinelandia
December 57 is crowned Miss Rheingold of 1958
7 January 58 in promoting Rheingold Beer, she says " needn't be an expert to tell, why Rheingold Extra Dry gives more pleasure to more people. It's Rheingold's real-beer taste, never sweet, never bitter but always refreshingly dry that makes it the East's most popular beer."
59 dates actor Gary Crosby
9 July 60 marries Pancho González, a tennis player
? Jack Kramer writes, "one of Gonzales's wives, Madelyn Darrow, decided to change his name. Madelyn discovered in the Castilian upper-crust society, the fancy Gonzales families spelled their name with a z at the end to differentiate from the hoi polloi (sic) Gonzales."
4 October 63 her daughter, Andrea Georg, is born
? her daughter, Shauwnna, is born
? her daughter is born
68 divorces González
30 December 70 remarries González
June 71 divorces González
12 October 00 in an interview with the Daily News, Madelyn says of her winning of Miss Rheingold, “My prize was $50,000,” says Madelyn Darrow, who felt like a billionaire. “They paid for my apartment on Sutton Place. I had a limousine at my disposal. I was so young. I thought that was how all New Yorkers lived.”
15 dies
Daily News, Los Angeles Times, The Central New Jersey Home News
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