
Lara Lindsay Profile

Lara Lindsay
Lara Lindsay
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(Gladys Irene Jacobs)
3 January 39 is born in Chicago, Illinois
? starts skating at an early age
? performs in the Ice Capades and in other shows
1 September 62 marries, Franz G. Lewis, an interior designer
June 63 her son, Gregory Holden is born
? when her marriage starts to break up, she capitalizes on her auburn-haired beauty by doing commercials on television in Tucson, Arizona, for $15 per commercial
c. 66 when El Dorado is filmed near Tucson, she gets a job standing in for actress Charlene Holt. Co-workers encourage her to go to Hollywood.
? changes her name to Lara, taken from Dr. Zhivago, and Lindsay, taking her brother’s name, and has extensive dental work
29 January 67 presents the trophy to Riverside “500” champion Parnelli Jones for winning the race
12 December 67 is signed to a term contract by 20th Century-Fox, starting at $175 a week
? attends the 20th Century-Fox talent school from 10 to 5 every day, five days a week
84 marries Howard P. Ladd
September 22 suffers two strokes, but makes a miraculous recovery
17 January 23 dies at the age of 84
May 23 is featured in Classic Images
Great Bend Daily Tribune, Chicago Tribune, Gregory Lewis, Lara Ladd, Classic Images
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Glamour Girls of Sixties Hollywood by Tom Lisanti