
Charlotte Austin Profile

Charlotte Austin
Charlotte Austin
Photo of Charlotte Austin
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(Jean Charlotte Austin)
2 November 33 is born in Charlotte, North Carolina, to Mr. and Mrs. Gene Austin. Her father's a crooner and composer, mostly famous for his song My Blue Heaven.
November 52 she and fellow starlet Merry Anders are pictured receiving their graduation diplomas from a studio school teacher
December 52 is signed by 20th Century-Fox
? becomes a good friend of fellow aspiring actress Gloria Gordon
March 53 is on the cover of True Confessions
April 53 columnist Louella Parsons notes her next to David Wayne in the airplane scene of Cinemascope, 20th Century-Fox's test film of their new 3-D process. Charlotte makes the scene as a test for Marilyn Monroe for How to Marry a Millionaire.
? is crowned "Miss Cheese" for National Cheese Week
May 53 is named "California Queen of June Dairy Month"
June 53 she and fellow actors Casey Adams and Merry Anders attend the Syracuse, New York, premiere of The Farmer Takes a Wife
October 53 the press notes that she has been seen with Robert Wagner
columnist Edith Gwynn tells that "Jeff Richards and Charlotte Austin are in their own Blue Heaven..."
December 53 is heralded a different person since she had her long, sleek hair chopped off. "It seems to have made her lightheaded and carefree."
January 54 is pictured with a sponge hat, covered with colored sea shells and trimmed with a jaunty feather of seaweed
April 54 poses in Egyptian garb with cheetah pal Cuddles to promote 20th Century-Fox's upcoming The Egyptian
June 54 columnist Louella Parsons knows: "The design for dating worked out among Johnnie Ray, Charlotte Austin and Dan Dailey. When Dan can't take out his best girl, his best friend does..."
July 54 is reported blushing to the rumor that she will wed Dan Dailey: "Now, now, I've known Dan ever since I signed with Fox. I have fun with him. He's quite a character. But I don't think he's serious and I don't think I am either."
is hailed the only girl to have Marlon Brando's private phone number
columnist Dorothy Manners tells: "Marlon Brando and Charlotte Austin no longer trying to hide their yen for each other, hand-holding and eye-gazing at Jack's at the Beach..."
October 54 frequently dates Dan Dailey, but both deny a serious romance. She is also dating Marlon Brando, when she should be with Johnnie Ray.
November 54 the press reports that it seems she doesn't know how to run a budget after renting an apartment and buying an automobile, furniture, a stove, a refrigerator and a set of silver - all on "easy" terms
December 54 columnist Harrison Carroll reports: "Someone made a shambles out of Charlotte Austin's portable dressing room outside the Daddy Long Legs set. She still doesn't know what it was all about."
55 is named "Miss Greater Los Angeles Press Club" by the Los Angeles journalists club
Early February 55 her escort to Marlon Brando's housewarming party is Pete Rugulo
columnist Louella Parsons reports: "Charlotte Austin seems really gone on Pete Rugulo, who's been around quite a lot. He gave a party at his home yesterday, a shishkabob dinner, with almost a complete male guest list. The night before, Lyle Bettger hosted a party for Charlotte and her new boyfriend."
Mid-February 55 columnist Harrison Carroll knows: "Charlotte Austin had a big row with Pete Rugulo at the Encore Room, but they made up and had dinner together..."
March 55 attends Johnny Ray's opening at Ciro's with Pete Rugulo
? suffers a complete nervous collapse
June 55 columnist Dorothy Manners tells: "The most persistent visitor to the bedside of Charlotte Austin, ill in a Pasadena hospital, - Marlon Brando..." Columnist Earl Wilson adds that Marlon wore dark glasses and a phony mustache.
Mid-July 55 is too weak from hospitalization to attend a Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce event given in her honor
July 55 columnist Walter Winchell knows: "Marlon's statement months ago that he'd marry Josanne 'in the summer' has been edited somewhat by starlet Charlotte Austin..."
August 55 columnist Lee Mortimer tells that her "case of 'nerves' disappeared when Marlon Brando rediscovered her..."
Brando is hailed a "twice-weekly caller" at her home, where she's recovering from a serious illness
November 55 for her birthday Brando presents her with a crystal and gold necklace
Early March 57 is noted at Philip Ahn's Moongate restaurant with Lance Fuller
March 57 producer Harriett Parson and headman Irving Asher choose her, Lori Nelson, and Doe Avedon as the three girls for 20th Century-Fox's upcoming "How to Marry a Millionaire" TV show. Charlotte will play Loco, a combination of the Marilyn Monroe and Betty Grable characters in the original motion picture. Close to 70 girls were tested.
July 57 columnist Lee Mortimer notes her and Lance Fuller "having a ball..."
59 becoming infuriated by Richard Nixon while watching the Kennedy-Nixon debates with her close friend, Marlon Brando
March 59 columnist Earl Wilson tells: "Gene Austin's not only starring on the Las Vegas Tropicana Showcase Lounge but booking new talent with him. One of the first guest artists he booked was his daughter Charlotte Austin..."
3 July 65 marries Jon P. Antelline in San Diego. He's 26; she's 31.
17 July 69 her daughter, Chiara M., is born in Los Angeles
February 69 divorces Antelline, who will marry Diane Pasko in November 1982
January 72 her father dies from lung cancer at age 71 in Palm Springs, California. He was married five times and is survived by his widow and two daughters, Charlotte and Ann Hebberger, of Kansas City.
July 74 her 5-year-old daughter Chiara is pictured enjoying the Old Fashioned Fourth of July festivities at North Hollywood Park
late 90s is a dealer in antiques
writes Scared White, a musical satire of the O. J. Simpson trial
00 is still close to Max Showalter, Richard Allen, Merry Anders and Marlon Brando
22 lives in Los Angeles
John Anz, "Monkey Business" in Filmfax by Paul Parla and Charles P. Mitchell, The Film Encyclopedia by Ephraim Katz, Ironwood Daily Globe, Pottstown Mercury, The Lowell Sun, The Charleroi Mail, Long Beach Press-Telegram, Syracuse Herald-Journal, Humboldt Standard, Mansfield News-Journal, Albuquerque Journal, The Lethbridge Herald, The Daily Review, Kingsport Times, The Zanesville Signal, Van Nuys News, Williamsport Sun-Gazette, Nevada State Journal, Indiana Evening Gazette, The Valley News, Picture Show Who's Who on the Screen, Screen Stories, Motion Picture,,
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