
Kipp Hamilton Profile

Kipp Hamilton
Kipp Hamilton
Photo of Kipp Hamilton
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(Rita Marie Hamilton)
16 August 34 is born in Los Angeles, California. Her mother’s maiden name is Sullivan. Her brother will become comedian Joe Hamilton.
March 53 is crowned "Miss Optometry" at the New York State Association of Optometrists convention
October 55 is named a "Deb Star of 1955," together with Cathy Crosby, Anita Ekberg, Lilian Montevecchi, Jody Lawrence, Mara Corday, Lori Nelson, Tracey Morgan, Marisa Pavan, and Gloria Thomas
lunches with Jack Haley, Jr., at the 20th Century-Fox commissary
columnist Dorothy Kilgallen reports that Kipp has a terrible problem for a movie star. "She's allergic to mink."
November 55 is sitting at Schwab's and not waiting to be discovered like Lana Turner
? tests for one of the lead roles in Carousel (1956)
56 appears with actor Ken Clark at the premiere of On the Threshold of Space
is crowned Sugar Queen by Barbara Wampler
March 56 is promoting On the Threshold of Space at Holloman Air Development Center, New Mexico, when fellow starlet Kathy Marlow steals the show
April 56 is seen at Dore's in the Valley with Reed Sherman
May 56 she and Reed Sherman are seen at the China Trader in Toluca Lake
June 56 she and fellow starlet Jane Howard are named vice chairwomen of the Committee for Highway Safety
August 56 got her part as a school teacher in James Mason's Bigger Than Life despite her sensational architecture of 36-18-35
12 August 56 is skiperette of the Western Divisional Speedboat Championships regatta at the Marine Stadium in Long Beach. The benefit raises funds for the Catholic Youth Organization.
December 56 stars in the production of Can-Can at the Civic Playhouse
57 is scheduled to star in The Saga of the Viking Women and their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent, but doesn't show up the first day on location. As a result, director Roger Corman recasts the role and calls in the sister of actress Abby Dalton. Kipp didn't show up because her agent, Lillian Small, had persuaded her that starring in a B-movie would be bad for her career.
June 57 columnist Mike Connolly tells "Fox starlet Kipp Hamilton flew to New York to see about co-starring with Trevor Howard in a new play. Then the gazettes bulletined that Howard was out of it for unspecific reasons, and that Errol Flynn was in, whereupon the starlet received a wire from her mother datelined Hollywood: ‘Come home immediately...’"
July 57 will present trophies at the seventh annual Steamship Day golf tournament and stag at the Fox Hills Country Club
16 July 57 stars in a regional theater production of The Seven Year Itch with Bill Hunt
January 58 columnist Walter Winchell reports that her entertainment is just "that at Johnny Walsh's popular spot in Hollywood Scott Brady is doubling as her public relations counselor..."
Late 50s dates actor Eric Fleming
March 59 Kilgallen tells "Adolph Zukor, 3d, and pretty Kipp Hamilton have called off their elaborate wedding plans..."
June 59 Gina Lollobrigida is reported "toasting temperamental tizzies over Kipp Hamilton's added scenes with Frank Sinatra" on MGM's Never So Few soundstage
Winchell thinks Sinatra's "date last week with starlet Kipp Hamilton 'worked.' It won her back the real love, John Turner, scion of a wine family..."
July 59 Winchell writes that she "who refused to pose for publicity cheesecake, broke down finally. In The Unforgiven, she strips.."
September 59 dates Chris Robinson "who just finished Because They are Young..."
October 59 is in the chorus line of the annual one-shot Thalian Party, thrown by Hollywood's younger set for emotionally disturbed children. Other starlets in the line are Connie Stevens, Valerie Allen, Erin O'Brien, Carol Costello, and Sylvia Lewis.
December 59 does a publicity tour of the East for Never So Few with fellow actor Dean Jones
January 60 is Frank Sinatra’s date in New York. Sinatra takes her to the Brasserie.
17 March 60 stars in the production of The Lark in California
April 60 is a new twosome with Sy Bartlett
May 60 it’s reported that Efraim Zimbalist "will seek a Nevada divorce this time to make Kipp Hamilton, a young actress, Miss Z. Number 3."
June 60 Louella Parsons reports: “Efrem Zimbalist makes no secret that he’s going to marry Kipp Hamilton as soon as his six weeks’ sentence is up in Reno. Pretty Stephanie Zimbalist, his wife, told me: ‘In the middle of the night Efrem told me to start packing and get to Reno - that he was in love with somebody else and wanted a divorce. I told him I wouldn’t go to Reno, so he went.’ Mrs. Zimbalist was advised to get an attorney and fight her case but she said: ‘What good would it do if he doesn’t want me.’ They have a four-and-a-half-year-old daughter, and Efrem has two children by a former marriage.”
July 60 is expected to marry actor Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., when his divorce becomes final in a year
August 60 Winchell asks what's with "Efraim Zimbalist, Jr., and Kipp Hamilton and their romance that's cooling..."
September 60 Parsons returns to her: “A telephone call from Kipp Hamilton said there isn’t now, and never was, anything between her and Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. The favorite man in her life is Leslie Lampson, ABC commentator.”
November 60 Erskine Johnson asks: "Is Efraim Zimbalist stealing Sinatra's girl?"
March 61 Walter Winchell opens his “All Around the Town” column with: “Kipp Hamilton, of the Hollywoods, and composer Johnny Burke who signed her for Donnybrook are more than a business item...”
April 61 is stricken with bronchial pneumonia a couple of days before the Philadelphia opening of Donnybrook. Joan Fagan steps in.
Mid-February 62 Dorothy Kilgallen tells: “It’s awfully romantic around ‘The Garry Moore Show.’ Dave Geisel, the director, is on the verge of an aisle-waltz with Kipp Hamilton, whose brother producer the program...”
62 stars in Finian's Rainbow at the Cocoanut Grove
? marries TV director David Geisel
November 62 Parsons tells: “Kipp Hamilton, who’s married to David Geisel, director of ‘The Garry Moore Show,’ will have her first visit from the stork in May.”
1 April 63 Parsons returns to her: “Kipp Hamilton has reservations at St. Vincent’s hospital for the birth of her baby, due any minute. It’s unfortunate and sad that Kipp and David Geisel of ‘The Garry Moore Show’ went through a divorce last month.”
her daughter Marie R. is born in Los Angeles
June 63 columnist Mike Connolly reports that she, "sister of producer Joe Hamilton, moved in with her brother's ex-wife Gloria and Joe's eight children. It's a protest on Kipp's part against Joe's recent marriage to Carol Burnett."
September 63 Kilgallen tells: “They certainly play romantic musical chairs at ‘The Garry Moore Show.’ Dorothy Loudon, who took over Carol Burnett’s chores on the program, is dating David Geisel, who used to direct it. David’s wife, from whom he is separated, is the sister of Joe Hamilton, whom Carol recently married...”
October 63 separates from Geisel and dates William Harp, Garry's set director
November 63 stars in the road production of the musical How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
? is ill with food poisoning for a few days, so her understudy Roseann Bixler replaces her
14 June 65 obtains an uncontested divorce from Geisel in Los Angeles Superior Court. Geisel will die at age 44 in 1969.
66 is off to Japan for the filming of Furankenshutain no kaiju: Sanda tai Gaira. Her role was intended to be larger, but was immensely reduced.
21 September 67 provides entertainment at Congregation Beth Ohr, Studio City, second annual luau buffet dinner held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alsberg in Sherman Oaks
2 February 68 marries Donald Thorman Rosenfeld in El Paso, Texas. He's 50; she's 33.
22 October 68 her daughter Dana T. is born in Los Angeles
70's delves into regional theater, starring in A Streetcar Named Desire
29 January 81 as Rita Marie Rosenfeld, she dies at age 46 in Los Angeles. Her husband will die at age 69 in 1986 in Los Angeles.
July 22 is featured in Classic Images
The Daily Independent, The Newport Daily News, The Bismarck Tribune, Van Nuys News, Two Rivers Report, The Odessa American, The Times Recorder, Lancaster Eagle-Gazette, The Coshocton Tribune, Mansfield News-Journal, The Vidette-Messenger, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Examiner, Burlington Daily Times-News, Pasadena Independent, Charleston Daily Mail, Appeal-Democrat, Manitowac Herald-Times, Pasadena Star-News, Long Beach Press-Telegram, Screen Stories, San Antonio Light, The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Weirton Daily Times, Tustin News, Nevada State Journal, Oneonta Star, New Castle News, Star-News, Monsters Are Attacking Tokyo by Stuart Galbraith IV, Attack of the Monster Movie Makers by Tom Weaver, Films of the Golden Age, Classic Images, Laura Wagner, Roseann Bixler, Dana Gordon, Marie Rosenfeld, Eric Fleming Information Base Web site,
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I Talked with a Zombie: Interviews with 23 Veterans of Horror and Sci-Fi Films and Television by Tom Weaver
Broadway credits